Enterprise Management

  • Consolidate data from across the enterprise and provide enterprise level reporting, analysis and forecasting
  • Use Scenario Management to assess tactical and strategic alternatives, before the final decisions are made and view the ripple effects across the entire enterprise in real time
  • Use Custom electronic program management books to manage portfolio risk, strategic indicators, and corporate resourcing
  • Link programs, initiatives and campaigns directly to the enterprise model for accurate cost and return forecasting
  • Create Annual Rolling Forward Budgets based on actuals
  • Assess the impact of new mergers or acquisitions
  • Create a micro economic model of the competitive and economic landscape
  • Deploy tactical scorecards to help operations management implement organizational policy and make discretionary decisions

Virtual Strategy provides the ability to rapidly build an enterprise model of any organization creating an easy to use view of the enterprise for reporting, analysis, scenario management, a and operations management.

Scenario Management allows organizations to assess the impact of alternatives on financials, resources, customers, risks and other key metrics. Without it, simple questions like "What if certain operations were discontinued?", "What is the effect of a new product introduction?", and "What will happen if interest rates change?" are difficult to answer.

Global 2000 companies spend hundreds of millions annually on analytical tools, but few have the ability to assess the impact of critical decisions before they are made. Virtual Strategy enables you to analyze your entire operation on an up-to-the-minute basis as business demands dictate. Scenarios such as profit and loss, mergers and acquisitions, and forward-looking program management are now possible in a drag-and-drop interface.

Create and manage initiatives, setting strategic indicators and assigning risks and resources. Then use Excel-compatible scorecards to link your program to the enterprise model to utilize your actual data for more accurate cost and cash flow analysis. Make edits to programs and watch the changes on interactive scoreboards that can be broadcast across a network for collaborative sessions and board meetings. Then, as programs begin, load in the actual returns to accurately assess performance and profitability.




Nedcor Ltd, a multinational $21B bank created an enterprise model of 29 operating divisions, from 34 different sources of data, consolidating many financial, product and sales systems. Virtual Strategy also provided advanced scenario based program management capabilities that allow both strategic and tactical decisions to be 'played out' before they are made..

Implementation: 2 months


Consolidated financial Reporting across all operating units in your format with easy to use navigation, decomposition, forecasting and scenario based 'what if' capabilities.



Create electronic program books to manage all strategic and tactical initiatives. Managing Financials, resources, risks, strategy, processes, and customer impact simultaneously.


Use MAPINFO compatible geographic capabilities to plot any internal or external data by geography.