Career Path: 20 Years' Experience Tops Virtual Strategy

Mass High Tech
April 23, 2001
By Matthew French

Benjamin P. Bassi
Virtual Strategy Inc.
President and chief executive
President and director, YouthStream Media Networks Inc.
B.S., chemical engineering, Syracuse University; B.S., paper science engineering, State University of New York

Boston-based Virtual Strategy Inc. has no lack of experience at the top. At least, not any more. The five-year-old company had been operating with a team of 10 engineers, a shoestring budget and one client.

And then it brought Ben Bassi on board, and all of Bassi’s 20 years of experience and contacts.

Bassi started out as a process engineer in Boston after graduating from Syracuse University. He got his first taste of sales and marketing in 1983 with Vermont Microsystems Inc.

“My first sale was when I sold our graphics board to IBM for their original PCs,” he said. “Not a bad first sale. Of course, Texas Instruments developed the chip a few years later and made the graphics board obsolete.”

Over the next 10 years, he worked for McDonnell Douglas in Waltham and Object Design in Burlington, before becoming Bob Davis’ first hire at Lycos Inc.

After Lycos, Bassi worked briefly as chief operating officer for Firefly Network in Cambridge before founding CommonPlaces, which he merged with another company.

But Bassi wasn’t satisfied. When he was contacted by an executive recruiting firm about Virtual Strategy, he wasn’t sure.

“It took them two months to convince me that what they have is real and is as unique as they say. But once I found out they were all on the level, I couldn’t wait to get started here,” he said.

Virtual Strategy, Inc.
236 Huntington Ave. Suite 316
Boston, MA 02115

Contact: Peter Burton
Phone: 617.262.4500
Fax: 617.236.5560